Jack booted thugs?

In the past when you heard the phrase, “to serve and protect,” you knew that it referred to the men & women in blue. But as of late, some cops who serve in this capacity have forgotten their sacred vows to the communities in which they serve. This is by no means the attitude of all policeman, but it is the attitude of a few: and it is those few, who are giving departments around the country a black eye.

There have been several News stories in recent weeks, where cops have been caught on video abusing their power. This type of behavior may have overlooked in the past, but it has now caught the attention of your everyday American due to the advancements made in cell phone technology.

It is troubling to see a grandmother, being beaten by a policeman on the side of the freeway, but it is more disturbing to witness a person being chocked to death by police for allegedly selling cigarettes. Police are human beings, but they are called to a higher standard of service and must be judged accordingly when they err.

When Peter Parker who is (Spiderman) discovered his superhuman ability, he always remembered the words of his grandfather who told him, “with great power comes great responsibility.” In recent days there have been other reports of police misconduct, as it relates to death of Michael Brown & John Crawford. If this is to become the “modus operandi” for policeman, then who is there to protect us from them?